TrackMaster Horse Ratings Specification

TrackMaster Horse Ratings are an averaging of a horse's recent best past performances as described in detail below. To be included in the list, a horse must have raced in North America in the last 2 years. In order for a rating to be computed, a horse must be at least 3 years old and have at least 4 lifetime starts. The ratings range from 0.00 to 99.99

To calculate a TrackMaster Horse Rating, the following algorithm is used:

BASE CASE: When there are at least 4 "Recent Ratings", compute an average as follows:
  1. ("Recent Ratings")
    1. if 7, average the highest 4
    2. if 5 or 6, average the highest 3
    3. if just 4, average the highest 2
ALTERNATE CASE: When there are NOT at least 4 "Recent Ratings", but there is at least 1 "Recent Rating", compute a weighted average as follows:
  1. ("Recent Ratings")
    1. If 3, average the highest 2 - then weight @ 70%
    2. If 1 or 2, use the higher 1 - then weight @ 50%

  2. ("Past Ratings")
    1. If 7, average the highest 4 - then weight @ 1 - "Recent Ratings" weight
    2. If 5 or 6, average the highest 3 - then weight @ 1 - "Recent Ratings" weight
    3. If 3 or 4, average the highest 2 - then weight @ 1 - "Recent Ratings" weight
    4. If 1 or 2, use the higher 1- then weight @ 1 - "Recent Ratings" weight
    5. If 0, use 0 and the horse will not get a rating
PAST RATINGS ONLY CASE: When 0 "Recent Ratings" exist, weight @ 2.5% and use the "Past Ratings" as follows:
  1. If 8, use the most recent "Past Rating" (weight @%), average the highest 4 (from the 7 "Past Ratings" left) & weight @(1-recent "Past Rating" weight). The final number is weighted at (1-"Recent Ratings" weight)
  2. If 7 or 6,use the most recent "Past Rating" (weight @%), average the highest 3 (from the other 6 or 5 "Past Ratings" left) & weight @(1-recent "Past Rating" weight). The final number is weighted at (1-"Recent Ratings" weight)
  3. If 5 or 4, use the most recent "Past Rating" (weight @%), average the highest 2 (from the 4 or 3 "Past Ratings" left) & weight @(1-recent "Past Rating" weight). The final number is weighted at (1-"Recent Ratings" weight)
  4. If 3 or 2, use the most recent "Past Rating" (weight @%), average the highest 1 (from the 2 or 1 "Past Ratings" left) & weight @(1-recent "Past Rating" weight). The final number is weighted at (1-"Recent Ratings" weight)

* The weight given to the most recent "Past Rating" depends on a special formula

* Speed ratings for races where the horse was < 4 years old are "age adjusted" using a special formula

NOTE: Horse rating reports are updated daily at 5:00 AM PT