TrackMaster Horse Ratings Description


What are TrackMaster Horse Ratings?

The TrackMaster Horse Rating (THR) is a computer-based assessment of a horse's overall ability. The ratings are used to construct competitive fields without regard to wins or money earned. The THRs are based primarily on recently achieved TrackMaster Speed Ratings which serve as the overall best assessment of ability.

Every horse that finishes a race gets a Speed Rating for that past performance. The THR averages the best 4 of the most recent 8 Speed Ratings after eliminating troubled races (breaks, being impeded and the like), so long as those 8 are within 150 days. For horses that have run less, the rating reflects using fewer or not as recent races.

THRs are recomputed to include a horse's most recent race. THRs range from 0 to 99.99. The algorithm for computing the THR as well as a listing of THRs for every horse in North America are available at

Also, current ratings are available to trainers via the USTA eTrack system.


What are TrackMaster Horse Ratings?

The TrackMaster Horse Rating (THR) is a computer-based assessment of a horse's overall ability based primarily on recently achieved TrackMaster Speed Ratings. Every starter that races gets a Speed Rating for each race run. The THR roughly averages the best 50% of the horse's most recent races. THRs are updated after each race and range from 0 to 99.99. The algorithm for computing the THR as well as a listing of THRs for every horse in North America are available at